"Rome wasn't built in a day," so naturally potty training Atlas has been 5 months in the making. Luckily, I diaried it all in action, photos and screen shots included.
9/6/23 Day 1: Amazon, for the win and Elmo was the choice over the Target budget bundle of undies that went back after he immediately said “No no no.”
This morning we started off with a couple hours, education and asking every five minutes to go potty. After sitting on the potty for a little bit, we were able to get enough to celebrate, and a sticker to go on the chart.
I also put a post up on Instagram asking for advice tips tricks. Prayers, books., etc . Will share responses:
Day 2: Okay! Magical Checklist:
Stickers for reward
Books and mags for reading materials
Grunt, relax, breath, feel it here ( point to bowels )
Routine: put back on undies, hand wash, get sticker on the chart, run and tell dada!
Lots of praise!
Only pee and lots of it so far! “Try again” one more time”. No poop yet …
Day 5 : The past few days have been a blur. I think he is nap rebellion because of potty training, but I am no child psychologist. This morning before we sat down for breakfast he stood up and pointed to his belly, and I asked if he wanted to go potty and he said, “Yes,” so we started off really good and really early. Still no poop yet just practicing reading relaxing.
I thought maybe he was getting poop shy so started to do laundry while he was sitting there and then he got distracted.
Day 9: starting right out of bed in the potty is a huge win! Let’s Keep it Up!
1/26/24 Day 109 or Day 10? Operation Weekend No Pants!
After off and on tries since September we are commuted to a no pants weekend and really getting this done!
Friday and Saturday we had events and dance class so although we used big boy undies he never “went” when we were out.
Monday allergies hit hard so with an extra runny nose we are staying in and really going pantsless.
I left Monday morning for work so were singing all day Daniel Tigers’ “When you have to go potty stop and go right away,” song, I came home immediately to “look mom!” Straight to his potty in the bathroom to show me he can go and wash and dry and he was so excited.
2/5/24 The Final Days: School started and we knew that this was the final piece in the puzzle of potty training… seeing other kids like him use it!
So we loaded up on PullUps and sent him off to school with a few changes of clothes.
Teacher was impressed and said he was using it with the other kids.
At home the Pullups turned into another diaper so we are back to no pants and home!
2/25/24: Today I am getting rid of the changing table in his room. We no longer use it. We potty in the potty or change in the bathroom and need to associate all those things n that room. Time for a mini big boy room update.
3/2/24: Big boy undies all day.
Pottied at the Home Depot Public Bathroom!
Went Poo Poo in the potty at home later in the afternoon.
Pottied for the baby sitter while mom any dad were rearing a podcast.
I think I am ready to post our diaries and frame the last diaper ever!
I know we will have plenty of accidents but the days of diaper genies and the grossest changing tables in public restrooms are in the rear view!