I discovered a new podcast from the Betches Media Group called Betches Brides. This could not have aired at a more perfect time. Nine episodes have been released but the one that stands out to me the most is episode 7: “Who TF Gets A Plus One.” This got us thinking about our own invite list and how much shenanigans goes into the guest list after we thought it was finalized. I related to some of the stories in the episode and with 4 days till our RSVP’s are due and only receiving 1/3 of them we decided this was our next blog topic.
Our beautiful invitations were designed and printed by Design Squeeze and you can read all about our amazing experience and how we settled on the final draft here. We are also in production on a video sharing with our friends and family who we were not able to invite or cannot attend that we will be sharing the ceremony live. But we also wanted to address that we are choosing a very intimate number to celebrate with and this even to this day is hard to get that message out.
When we designed our RSVP’s we had a strategy. There were 2 simple things we did: Address it directly to whom we invited and leave 2 lines to be filled out on the RSVP’s for no additional entries. After hearing about a story on the Betches Bride’s podcast that someone added an additional plus one to their lines I was appalled- then it happened to us. I called up my amazing wedding planner to figure out how to go about the situation and she even offered to handle it herself that is how much of a super woman she is!
Another topic brought up in the episode was guests not sending RSVP’s back or simply just texting a photo of their response. BOTH of these have happened to us as well. As a virgo I appreciate organization. In fact we have at least 2 spreadsheets for out guest list / invites and when I have to remember if someone texted me or just told me they were coming it slips to one of the last things on my mind.
Finally as the episode is appropriately titled I genuinely do ask: Who TF gets a plus one? In what world did people learn they can add lines or put “Dont know who Im bringing but count me as 2” ? We are less than a month a way (appropriately when invites are due) and as mentioned we have received 1/3 of them. Do people just think because they got an invite and have the info we are expecting them? Planning a wedding is a business clearly and when you don’t know who to expect how do you plan to feed and seat everyone?
We don’t have a B list or room for adjusting one “declined” RSVP to open up and mail out another invitation. We are not looking to fill a football squad here. Jose and I are sharing a very intimate moment with some of our closest friends and family. We know not everyone can make it and we hope everyone else knows we can’t invite the whole world. When families start counting chairs and calculating percentages and asking for the fifth time if we invited aunt so and so this is when Jose and I rely on each other to not go crazy.
In conclusion if you have not sent us your RSVP and you have received one please do so now! If you have encountered any RSVP crazy stories please share! I know I am not the only one!
Thank you for reading and I truly hope no one was offended in sharing this.